
An Exceptionally Detailed Science & Sports Performance Laboratory

Our mission is to inspire individuals of all ages to “Find the Athlete Within” by providing precise and comprehensive training. It’s nothing like you’ve seen before. It’s different, but isn’t everybody?  


Performance Training

Speed & Agility

Group Classes

Personal Training

If you want to run faster, run faster. If you want to Jump higher…Jump higher. But how? Here you’ll learn how to move more efficiently, more effectively, and with much more power.

One on One and group training available for individuals and teams. We have coaches with expertise in biomechanical engineering and can meet the demands of every sport.

Intentionally crafted training programs for teens and adults.

Small group and large classes available.


  • Working with Milo is so much more than an athletic training program. If you are lucky enough to train with him, you will grow physically and mentally through his actions, words, and overall encouraging demeanor. I always looked forward to training with Milo because he brought a certain energy to every session that made me ready to work. Not only did I become a better athlete, but I gained confidence and mental strength that undoubtedly made me a better person, teammate, and leader.

    -Mary Catherine Craig

  • As a high school athlete who has dreamed of playing at a professional level, meeting Milo & Connor and training with them these past few years has progressed me miles ahead of what I could do myself. As time went on, I could feel myself getting stronger and when I competed, I could see my progress. I am so glad that I was led to them and love every single second I spend with them and wouldn't have it any other way.

    -Robert Hargrove

  • Trident Elite Athletics is a place where I've grown not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. They have helped shape me into who I am today, as an athlete as well as an every day man. I've been blessed to be under such elite trainers like Milo and Connor, and their passion for helping athletes achieve their goal is evident in everything they do. Trident Elite Athletics has been wonderful to both me and my family, and it has been the best experience working out with Milo, Connor, and other athletes.

    -Sean Lee

  • My daughter was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to train with Milo Swain while she was on her high school swim team. While she loved the swimming aspect the training part was always a chore until Milo was hired. Milo has in depth knowledge to help the athletes get the most out of their muscles while training but more importantly, he has an incredibly positive attitude that inspired my daughter and others to achieve more.

    -Lynn Craig

  • “I started working out with Trident back in the summer of 2021 with very minimal high school lifting experience. Throughout the following several months, I learned new exercises and techniques that helped me gain the muscle mass and strength I needed as I progressed through my high school swimming career. Aside from the training aspect, the relationships I’ve formed with Milo, Connor, and other athletes have been the most meaningful part to me. The environment Trident provides is unmatched. I have grown as a person to heights words cannot describe. I’m super grateful for everything Trident has done for me in and out of the gym, and I will never regret putting my trust in them.”

    -Jaeddan Gamilla

  • This place is a blessing! There is no training like Trident Athletics! Sports tailored, this is the best strength and conditioning I’ve had in my life. The most creative movements will be done here. It’s been an honor and pleasure working and learning with Milo!

    -Justin Benjamin

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”

— Mark 9:23